Harlan K. Ullman

Harlan K. Ullman (born March 15, 1941), is a political author, commentator, and a retired United States Naval Commander. He is an advisor to government and the private sector and is active in transformation both of business and the Department of Defense. Ullman is known as a developer of the doctrine of Shock and Awe.



The doctrine of Shock and Awe was developed by Ullman and James P. Wade and was a product of the National Defense University of the United States. It technically is known as "rapid dominance" and is a military doctrine based on the use of "overwhelming decisive force," "dominant battlefield awareness," "dominant maneuvers," and "spectacular displays of power" to "paralyze" an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy his will to fight.


Call for more realistic foreign policy

In a stand against George W. Bush, in an October 2006 edition of his Washington Times column Ullman wrote, "The world indeed has changed. But not as we think. American power and perceived omnipotence have been greatly neutralized or displaced...This means aligning our ego with reality. Mr. Bush once called for a more humble foreign policy. The times never demanded one more." [1]


